By Ashley Titler
Circulation Editor
On the second and third of May speakers from an organization called “Crusin’ Not Boozin” gave presentations to the senior class at Neshaminy High School. The presentations were to encourage students to make smart decisions regarding drugs and alcohol. Both of the speakers have had past experiences with drugs and alcohol that led them down a road of many hardships. The speakers shared their personal stories and experiences with students.
The first speaker was paralyzed from below the waist when he was in a snowboarding accident because he was under the influence. The second speaker was in a car accident that put him in a coma for 10 days. When he miraculously awakened from his coma he had permanent brain damage due to car accident that killed a bundle of cells in his brain.
Both speakers shared with the senior class how tremendously lucky they are to be sharing their stories today. These life changing experiences helped both of our speakers reevaluate their lifestyle and sober up. Although the speakers are living to tell their stories they stressed the significant impact that the choices they made regarding substance abuse years ago have cause issues that they still struggle with on a day to day basis.