Celebrities do owe us something
Frank Ocean’s Coachella set was awful and his fans that defend it are delusional

Photo Credits: Andy Abeyta/The Desert Sun
June 9, 2023
Frank Ocean’s Coachella set earlier this April might go down in history as one of the worst Coachella performances ever.
From the start, it was destined for disaster.
According to Rolling Stone Magazine, Ocean reportedly changed the whole set layout on the day of the concert.
The original set was supposed to feature an ice rink with over 100 skaters. This was instead replaced with a bare-bones minimalistic layout featuring a massive screen projecting Ocean to the crowd of thousands of eager fans.
Even after this, there was still a chance Ocean could still have an amazing comeback performance, but it only got worse from here.
For days, Coachella and Youtube alike said that they would be live-streaming Ocean’s entire Coachella set to thousands of excited fans who did not have the privilege of attending Coachella.
This was until two hours before the show when YouTube announced that they would no longer be streaming the concert, sending Ocean’s fans into a frenzy.
Many opted to find the kind-hearted people at Coachella that would live stream the set. One notable live-streamer who saved the day, “Morgandoesntcare” had over 130,000 viewers on her stream.
Ocean’s set was supposed to start at 10 P.M.. PST, but he was over an hour late to his performance, starting around 11 P.M.
This meant his fans on the East Coast were up till 2 A.M. waiting for his set to begin.
Fans immediately took to social media to express their frustration.
Even I was up late into the night waiting for his concert to start before finally giving up to go to sleep after it was 2 A.M. and his set hadn’t even started yet.
This ended up being a blessing after waking up and seeing the disappointing cash grab that was his set.
Ocean only truly sang nine out of the 24 songs on his setlist, singing a different cover of “White Ferrari,” dedicating it to his late brother, who died in 2020 in a tragic car accident. Ocean, in fact, dedicated the entire set to him, talking about the time he spent at Coachella with his brother. While this was a sweet, heart-touching part of the set for both him and his fans, his concert still left much to be desired.
Immediately after, fans flocked to social media to express their feelings of both disappointment and happiness.
This is where the delusion of some of his fans was evident.
Let’s be honest, his set was not good. Just because Ocean is a great artist with an impeccable discography doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of having a disappointing performance.
One side of his fanbase was disappointed and frustrated, the fact that they spent thousands of dollars and camped out for hours in the scorching California sun to see him all for one of the most lackluster performances of his career.
“I need a refund for that Frank Ocean Coachella set bc what is this #frankchella #frankocean #COACHELLA 2023,” one fan expressed on Twitter,
But others, who I believe are the “delusional” Ocean fans, really seem to be a new species of pick-mes. They took over comments on TikToks and on Twitter threads, talking about how he “doesn’t owe us anything.”
Yes, he does.
If I spent thousands on my favorite artist just to be left wondering what his performance even meant, I would be pissed off.
“Ok yea u paid to be there but he doesn’t have to be there if he doesn’t want to its up to y’all to go,” one of these delusional fans expressed in a TikTok comment section.
The fact is, if you make a promise, sign a contract, cash the check, you now have an obligation not only to the festival but to your fans to be there.
As soon as he cashed the alleged $8 million check, which turned to $4 million after he canceled on weekend 2, he now had an obligation to come and perform for his fans.
Truthfully, if it was any other artist with a fanbase that is actually rooted in reality and not the deification that Ocean’s fans are, that artist would not have a career anymore.