Is Kanye West “Bound 2” 2024 presidency?
West announces 2024 Presidential bid amid anti-semitic/racist controversy
Sources: Rolling Stone/Oliver Contreras/Pool/Getty Images
January 4, 2023
Kanye West announced his second attempt at running for president in the 2024 election on Nov. 25, 2022. This comes after major backlash over anti-semitic and racist comments made by West earlier this year.
His last presidential run left much to be desired, only getting 60,000 votes and only being on the ballot in 12 states, according to BBC.
Since then, much has changed due to his recent comments about Jewish people and his “White Lives Matter” backlash earlier this year.
When asked if Kanye could recover from his comments, Elayah Peterson, a tenth-grader and long-time supporter of West said, “He’s done too much to be forgiven by the public.”
People online were also very vocal about their opinions on Kanye West’s presidency since his controversy.
“He needs to be institutionalized,” an Instagram user commented.
West, who was seen as a pillar of the rap and fashion community, has fallen from the grace he once knew.
“I lost 2 billion dollars in one day, and I’m still alive,” West explained.
Despite everything he’s lost from this controversy, West has been seemingly unaffected by it all.
“The money is not who I am. The people is who I am,” West said.
To some, West’s campaign has been seen more as a comedic stunt than a real political movement.
“I don’t think people will take him seriously because if he truly wanted to pursue politics, then he would’ve done it sooner, plus people recognize him as a rapper,” Peterson explained.
However, many of his dedicated fans believe Kanye could change the world for the better if he becomes president. They believe that Kanye would protect and preserve free speech, something that is so important in these times.
“It appears that the standard for free speech on Twitter is still whatever a lot of people think is… really bad,” one frustrated supporter commented in response to West’s account on Twitter being suspended. “In no way can anything #Ye24 said be interpreted as an incitement to violence!”
Even though he does have fans, these supporters might be too young to vote for him in the upcoming election, as most fans of his are aged 16-24.
“If anyone would be taking him seriously it would be the newer generation, and most of us aren’t legal to vote yet,” Peterson said.
Despite his behavior now, he is still one of the most famous artists in the world.
When asked if Kanye’s legacy will last, Peterson explained, “For me, I grew up with Kanye’s music, and he will always have an influence on me.”