Neshaminy and Pennsbury districts to merge into one

Art Credits to Julia Dreyer

Sarah Kramer, Circulation Editor

After decades of intense rivalry between the districts, Neshaminy and Pennsbury have decided to merge into one
mega-district to encourage a stronger sense of unity within their divided communities.
Superintendents of both districts came together this past month at a local school board meeting to announce their
decision and to discuss any conflicts that may arise due to the merge.
In an interview regarding the decision, Pennsbury’s Superintendent, Thomas Smith, stated the following.
“We felt it necessary to combine our districts to give our students a better sense of community and appreciation. This will definitely strengthen our school’s football teams as well,” Smith stated. “Taking into account this past season, Dr. McGee and I agreed that it would be better to combine our two football teams into one.”
Considering that the districts’ football teams garnered a combined record of 2-18 this past season, it is safe to say that this decision can only spell a massive winning streak for the collaborative team.
McGee announced that the new team’s name will be the “Pennshaminy Falcons.” The players will wear the Neshaminy red uniform when at home games and the black and orange stripes of Pennsbury when away.
Schools within the two districts will slowly merge over the next semester
until they finally unite at the beginning of the 2022-23 school year. The new district will now include 16 elementary schools, six middle schools and two high schools with their names remaining the same in honor of their preceding districts. The new mega-district will be named “Pennshaminy” and be fully integrated by the beginning of the 2023-24 school year.